Nemokami skelbimai, perku parduodu


Skelbimų paieška

Volunteer - Teach - Travel

Skelbimo nr. 345928, įdėtas: 2011-10-12 · Perskaitė: 244

Skelbimas nebegalioja.

st Year. International Practice Field :

. months preparation for a months bus travel.

. months bus travel through Sahara to a number of African countries.

. months of elaboration and spreading the word to people in Europe and exams.

. months training in saving up money, with employment and own organization to collectively accumulate the most money.

nd Year. The European practice Field :

. months training in experiencing and understanding the European reality. Starting with one week planning in OWU Denmark. Seeking employment as workers in factories and in other workplaces training to be working and living in a group and to function in a bigger European town, Living a rich and active cultural and political life continued studies and organizing cultural events for work mates and others. Finalizing exam in some subjects.

. months studying Pedagogical Specializations in OWU Denmark, starting to zoom in on the School Practice Field.

. months training in doing what you find most appropriate to do. Identity between idea and action, between knowing and doing, is a precondition to make things happen.


rd Year. The school Practice Field:

. months working as substitute teachers, teaching children and young in different European schools settings, practicing pedagogy, studying theoretical subjects and specializations after school hours and during weekends.

. months studying Pedagogical Specializations at OWU Denmark, ending with month of final exams. feedback week at year end.

Kiti šio autoriaus skelbimai

Kiti skelbimai pagal žodžius: travel international

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musuMusu pasiulymas siulo paskolas su maža 3% palukanu
paskolospaskolos svyruoja nuo 2000 iki 8 000 000 €

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  • Skelbimas įdėtas: 2011-10-12
  • Galioja: iki 2012-10-11


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